We hope that you can attend our first ever State of the River forum! This event is free and open to all and vegetarian/vegan breakfast and lunch are provided. Space is limited so register today!
Our primary goals in hosting this event are 1) to educate the public and decision-makers and 2) effect change. We think this event will provide attendees a useful opportunity to learn from experts and also discuss and brainstorm – face-to-face – on ways we can work together to address some of the challenges facing our basin and the state as a whole.
The State of the River will be held on Wednesday, June 1st, at CFCC’s Windell Daniels Hall, in downtown Wilmington, overlooking the Cape Fear River. Doors open at 8:00 am.
Space is limited – register today! https://capefearriverwatch.org/event/state-of-the-river/