
TODAY- Call or Email Person County Commissioners to Delay Rezoning for Hyco Gas Plants

A rainbow above Woodland Elementary School. One concern from community members is that the pipeline for the gas plants runs too close to the school, potentially endangering students.

Call or Email: Delay Hyco Lake Gas Plant rezoning until we get answers!

On Feb. 3, the Person County Commissioners delayed the vote on rezoning land by Hyco Lake for Duke Energy’s gas plants, because the community needed a chance to review the rezoning request’s impact on farms, health, land, & water. We need transparency about the other projects this would bring to the county, especially Microsoft.

Now, the rezoning is on the County Commissioners Feb. 18 agenda again!

  • There is no public comment on the rezoning, despite the fact that it was delayed to give the public a chance to actually review and weigh in on the application.
  • Residents never got answers to questions about farms, coal ash, pollution, Microsoft, the danger to Woodland Elementary, or to requests to meet with the commissioners.

Find more info about the community concerns here.

Today through Friday the 14th! Call or Email the Person County Board of Commissioners & County Manager!

Emails: kpuryear@personcountync.gov; jdthomas@personcountync.gov; tellixson@personcountync.gov; aroyster@personcountync.gov; swilborn@personcountync.gov; kcathey@personcountync.gov

Call: 336-597-1720 (press 2 to leave a message for the county manager)

Example script:

Hi my name is ________ and I am wondering why the rezoning of the land near Hyco Lake is back on the agenda for the Feb 18 meeting. I thought it was delayed to give the public a chance to look at the application and to get our questions answered. I am concerned about this because _______ (insert your reason why – find some community concerns here, including Microsoft, pollution, farms, pipeline, coal ash, transparency, etc.). On Feb 18, there’s no chance for public comment. Delay the rezoning vote until the March 3 meeting or later to give time for public comment, meet separately with residents, and answer our questions. Thank you.

More information on the gas plants, T-15, and other Person County industrial projects

The two methane gas power plants Duke Energy is proposing in Person County would be fed by the T-15 pipeline.

Community Concerns about Rezoning Land for Hyco Gas Plants

Fact sheet about all of the planned projects: Industrial Projects Proposed in Person County

Learn more about the T-15 pipeline, its proposed route and the gas plants at www.no-t15.org

Air Permit Fact Sheet: Find detailed information about the air pollution permit for the gas plants and community concerns.

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