CLEAN WATER BLOG our mission

Join us at our Durham Community Picnic!

You’re invited! Join Clean Water for North Carolina at our summer picnic and listening session!

The event will be held on Saturday, July 23rd at 1pm at Hillside Park in Durham. We’re hosting this event to engage with the community, build relationships, and get to know you!

We are also hoping to speak with folks on what social and environmental justice issues they’ve faced, and how they would best benefit from a Community Toolkit to assist with organizing, working with public agencies, and more.

We are redeveloping our Community Toolkit “A North Carolina Toolkit for Protecting Your Environmental Rights” by speaking to folks about what needs, wants, and preferences for this open resource to be an advocate for environmental justice. Please feel free to invite others you think might be interested in attending. We have an RSVP form here to help us prepare the right amount of food and know how many people are planning to attend. 

Can’t make it? You can also attend our virtual session on August 3rd or respond to our survey at  tinyurl.com/communitytoolkitsurvey!

Everyone who submits a survey will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Visa Gift Card. Also keep a look out for updates to participate in our Virtual Session!

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