Clean Water for NC does not recommend sales of water or wastewater systems to any private utilities, believing that public ownership and and hookups of small systems to nearby municipal systems, and local control are almost always in the best interest of water/wastewater customers.

We are not Aqua North Carolina or associated with this company. If you are trying to reach the company to report a customer service problem, you can reach them at 1-877-987-2782.

Customers of the private water and sewer companies Aqua North Carolina and Carolina Water Service continue to express concerns about service, service, responsiveness, and other practices. CWFNC believes the NC Utilities Commission needs to change the way it regulates water and sewer companies so that customers are protected and companies don’t profit at the expense of North Carolinians’ right to clean, safe water and sanitation.

Who Regulates My Drinking Water Quality as a Private Water Customer?

The NC Dept. of Environmental Quality’s Public Water Supply Section is the state agency responsible for ensuring the safety of your drinking water

They can help you answer questions about:
Drinking water quality,
Concerns about potential contaminants, or
How to access your system’s Annual Water Quality Reports

Please contact Public Water Supply with any concerns or questions you have regarding the quality of your drinking water: (919) 707-9100

Who Decides How Much I Pay for My Water & Sewer Service?

The rates for your private utility, also called a regulated utility, are set by the NC Utilities Commission.

Numerous factors are considered when rates are set for a private, for-profit utility company, and you will be notified about public hearing dates and opportunities to provide comment.  

If you have a question regarding your water or sewer bill, always contact your utility first. Be sure to document this communication – time, date, nature of complaint.

If you feel the company is not addressing your water and sewer rate concerns, contact the Public Staff at the Utilities Commission: (919) 733-9277