We need your help to stop the spread of privatized water in North Carolina, and to specifically block Aqua NC’s current efforts to promote the corporate takeover of our state’s locally owned water and sewer systems.

The State Water Infrastructure Authority (SWIA) is a recently created body with the primary responsibility of awarding both federal and state funding for water and wastewater infrastructure projects, including funds from the Viable Utility Reserve. Members must meet at least 4 times a year, and held their last meeting on November 8th. 

At this meeting, Aqua NC lobbied SWIA members to prioritize Viable Utility Reserve funding for struggling municipal water and sewer systems who consider privatization in their funding proposals. 
Viable Utility Reserve committee members ultimately decided that the agency shouldn’t act in favor of privatization – but the tone of the discussion was that privatization should definitely be on the table as one option for distressed systems to consider.

As customers of the corporate water utility Aqua NC, you are all too familiar with the water quality, customer service, and affordability concerns with the company. I am asking that you please consider writing to SWIA members about your experience with privatized water, and how their corporate strategies fail to provide safe, clean water to you and your community. 

Clean Water for North Carolina is also urging the Authority not to prioritize infrastructure funding for distressed systems who are actively considering privatization in their recovery plans. View our letter to the SWIA here.

Email and physical mailing addresses for the State Water Infrastructure Authority can be found here. 

As always, please contact me if you have any questions, or would like to discuss this further. Thank you for all that you do.

Rachel Velez
Program Director, Water Justice
Communications Manager

Clean Water for North Carolina
Office: 919-401-9600 | Cell: 919-706-1007