Hope Taylor

Hope Taylor previously served as executive director of Clean Water for NC from 1999 to early 2021, and after two years of retirement on her small dairy goat farm and voting rights activism, is rejoining our staff half time as of May 1, 2023, working afternoons to continue our work on safe and affordable drinking water, community environmental justice and polluter accountability, as well as administrative support. In addition to her work with CWFNC for 22 years, Hope did biomedical  research at the National Institutes of Health and Duke University, and taught chemistry and  biology at Triangle area colleges and universities. She has also served as a Technical Assistance Grant advisor to NC communities impacted by hazardous waste sites under EPA’s Superfund Program and on EPA’s National Drinking Water Advisory Council.  She can be reached most afternoons at [email protected]  or 919-401-9600.

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