EPA National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call!

EPA invites EJ advocates to participate in National EJ Community Engagement calls. These calls are free & open to the public. DATE: October 12 TIME: 2 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Central, Noon Mountain, 11 a.m. Pacific Learn More & Register! The purpose of these calls are to inform communities about EPA's environmental justice work and enhance […]


EJ & Equity Advisory Board Meeting on Biogas!

Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board to hold listening session October 12 RALEIGH – The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board will hold a listening session on Tuesday, October 12, remotely via teleconference to discuss biogas in North Carolina communities. The public is invited to participate online or by phone. To […]

Community Mapping Drive Trainings! Oct 14th & 18th

Community Mapping Drive As the redistricting issue is heating up in North Carolina, Friends of the Earth has organized a collaborative and non-partisan “Community Mapping Drive” within the map drawing software Representable. This Community Mapping Drive will consist of short trainings on how to use the software, and their goal is that non-partisan groups and organizations […]

Community Mapping Drive Trainings! Oct 14th & 18th

Community Mapping Drive As the redistricting issue is heating up in North Carolina, Friends of the Earth has organized a collaborative and non-partisan “Community Mapping Drive” within the map drawing software Representable. This Community Mapping Drive will consist of short trainings on how to use the software, and their goal is that non-partisan groups and organizations […]

Give Comment on NEPA Revisions! Oct 19 & 21

The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) is inviting public comment on these proposed revisions to the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Two public meetings on the proposed rule will be held online on October 19, 2021 from 1:00-4:00 pm EDT and October 21 from 5:00-8:00 pm EDT.  To learn more or register, […]

A Conversation on Climate and Health in North Carolina

  CleanAIRE NC invites you to join them November 10th for A Conversation on Climate and Health in North Carolina. Hear from leading voices in public policy, healthcare, and research on the climate solutions driving health benefits, and opportunities to get involved and make a difference. Click the image above to learn more and register!

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