By: Jonathan Poston
Microplastics pollution in Western North Carolina’s waterways, is an environmental challenge that extends even to remote, seemingly untouched regions. New research, led by Jerry Miller, professor in Western Carolina University’s Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, highlights the alarming origins and impact of microplastics in freshwater systems.
Microplastics are defined as particles smaller than five millimeters, including microscopic fragments invisible to the naked eye. These pollutants originate from a wide range of sources, including synthetic clothing fibers, food packaging, and automotive tires. Once in the environment, they can persist for centuries, breaking down into even smaller particles known as nanoplastics.
These particles infiltrate rivers, lakes, and oceans. They enter the food chain through aquatic life, posing ecological and health risks. In a phone interview about his research, Dr. Miller added, “inhalation, and from the ingestion of water” to the many ways humans are exposed to microplastics.
Map of Richland Creek Watershed

The Richland Creek Watershed Study
Miller, along with the research team, is focused on Haywood County’s Richland Creek watershed and its tributaries, as well as tributaries to the Cullasaja River. Supported by grants from NC Sea Grant and the NC Water Resources Research Institute, the research involved students, faculty, and local organizations.
Dr. Miller’s team used a device to automatically collect water samples. Dr. Miller described the study’s sampling methods, “We can program it to collect samples at uniform time intervals during flood events. We can figure out how the concentrations change with flow in the stream…… We collect it in glass that has been thoroughly cleaned. We bring that back to the laboratory and then it goes through a filtration process, and the filter ends up in a petri dish that we can look at with a microscope where microplastics are identified, counted and characterized for size, shape, and color. Then we analyze a subset of them with a Raman spectrometer, which allows us to determine what types of plastics we’re looking at.”
Researchers from WCU, Highlands Biological Station, and Virginia Tech found that 90 % of the microplastics in the watershed were fibers, largely attributed to clothing, city runoff, and atmospheric deposition.
Even in remote, forested areas with minimal human activity, microplastic concentrations were significant, underscoring the role of airborne particles.
How Are These Microplastics In Remote Areas Like WNC Watersheds?
“One of the biggest sources of microplastics in freshwater in remote places is atmospheric deposition. We don’t know where it’s coming from in this case, but studies have shown that these small plastic fibers can include road dust, stuff from tires, lots of clothing. All of it is so fine it can get into the atmosphere and be transported over long distances. It’s been found at the top of Mt. Everest, and at the bottom of the Mariana Trench”, said Dr. Miller.
Community Collaboration and Education
This initiative was a collaborative effort involving WCU faculty, high school educators, and local environmental organizations like the Haywood Waterways Association. Students played a pivotal role, conducting fieldwork and analyzing plastic debris.
Jason Love, associate director of WCU’s Highlands Biological Station, contributed to all aspects of the study, including the analysis of caddisflies, heading up the work on the atmospheric deposition of microplastics, and by studying microplastics in freshwater mussels, .These efforts not only advanced scientific understanding but also fostered community awareness of plastic pollution.
The bigger picture & a call to action
The WCU study adds to a growing body of research emphasizing the critical need for action against plastic pollution. While international and state-level efforts to curb single-use plastics have faced obstacles, studies like this underscore the urgent need for systemic changes.
As far as the watersheds or areas where Dr. Miller’s team might test next, “We are expanding out after Helene to look at the Pigeon River Basin.”
How Can Microsplastics Be Removed From Water, What Is The Solution?
“We’re trying to figure out how much there is, what their general characteristics are. Numerous investigators are trying to figure out how to extract microplastics from the wastewater treatment plant effluent. A variety of techniques are being used, but it’s in its infancy. I’ve heard that 80-90% of microplastics can be removed depending on the methods used,” Dr. Miller said.
Does Recycling Work?
“The biggest avenue is to curtail the use of plastics and their release to the environment. It’s difficult. A lot of people talk about recycling being the key but in the US we only recycle about 9%. Recycling programs are kind of busted and it’s probably not the answer in the short run. Plastics are so ingrained in our society that you can’t go through life without using plastics on a daily basis. The whole recycling effort is a feel good thing: we all do it and think it’s helping out but a lot gets shipped out (to other countries where it is incinerated and goes into the atmosphere or is released to rivers or the ocean. Some investigators have argued that it might be better off landfilling it instead of recycling,” said Dr. Miller.
Microplastics can end up in drinking water, especially in bottled water.
Is It Too Late For Humanity When It Comes To Microplastics?
Dr. Miller said, “It’s not too late. It’s always good to figure out what we’re dealing with. We don’t know what the long term chronic effects are, both on biota and humans. We’ve found microplastics in blood, plaque within the arteries, in brain tissues. The question is, is it having any effect.
A Call to Action
From classroom presentations to regional conferences, the research team is committed to raising awareness and driving change. By documenting the pervasive nature of microplastics, WCU and its partners aim to inspire policy reform and encourage responsible plastic use.
It would be a sound hypothesis that other major watersheds in Western North Carolina, such as the French Broad River Watershed, Little Tennessee River Watershed, Catawba River Watershed, New River Watershed, Hiwassee River Watershed, Savannah River Watershed, and Yadkin-Pee Dee River Watershed, could exhibit similar levels of microplastics as those documented in WCU’s study, given the widespread distribution of human activity and potential sources of plastic pollution across these regions.
As the study progresses, Miller envisions sustained collaboration between students, scientists, and community members. “Between the community, high school, and university involvement, I hope we can continue this research for years to come,” he said.
The findings from Western North Carolina’s watersheds reveal a hidden yet urgent problem. Microplastics pollution is not just a coastal or marine issue—it permeates even the most remote streams and forests, threatening ecosystems and public health. Addressing this crisis requires collective action, from individual choices to systemic reforms, ensuring a cleaner, healthier environment for future generations.
- Interview with Dr. Jerry Miller on 12/11/2024
Jonathan Poston lives in Chapel Hill NC and researches and writes for Clean Water For NC as a volunteer.