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Your Utility’s Annual Water Quality Report is on the Way!

Can you believe we're already heading into the summer months?!

Summer is the time for cookouts, family gatherings, and taking advantage of NC's beautiful swimming holes. It's also the period when your public water system will send out their Annual Water Quality reports!

(Click the images above to check out examples of these reports from different size utilities)

What is an Annual Water Quality Report?

Annual Water Quality Reports (also called Consumer Confidence Reports or CCRs) are yearly reports that your public water system is required to publish that outline different aspects of your drinking water quality, including contaminant information, health risks, and contact information if you have any questions.

If you receive your drinking water from a public community water system, like a municipal or county utility, keep an eye out for your utility’s Annual Water Quality report around June or July!

The "Anatomy" of Your Annual Water Quality Report

These mandatory reports outline different information about your drinking water, like where it's coming from, what contaminants are in it, any health effects from consuming your water, and how your water quality compares to national standards. These are all important aspects to understand as an informed drinking water consumer!

You may have questions about how these reports will be distributed or who you should contact to find them. We can help! Depending on the size of the population your utility serves, the reports will be distributed differently.

  • Utilities serving large populations will provide their Annual Water Quality report on their website.
  • Smaller populations will either have theirs delivered by mail, included in the newspaper, or have copies available upon request. If you are renting, you can contact your building manager to get a copy.

If you have limited English language proficiency, your utility may provide a translated version of your CCR, but give them a call to be sure. If you need assistance translating these documents, CWFNC has resources to help!

¡Hablamos español! Póngase en contacto con shelby@cwfnc.orgchristine@cwnfc.org si tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a su Informe de la Calidad del Agua.

For general questions about your Annual Water Quality Report, please contact our Water Justice Program Director, Rachel Velez for assistance: rachel@cwfnc.org or 919-401-9600.

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